Hi, There you can download APK file "com.Medicine.MedSisterFree" for Android free, apk file version is 1.3 to download to your android device just click this button. It's easy and warranty. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights, report us
A pocketbook of medicines, with updates from the GRLS. Works without the Internet. Quick search by name, INN, ICD-10, ATX. Detailed instructions for each medication. Favorites, browsing history, settings. Search for alternatives (gineriki), view prices and availability in pharmacies.
The application contains more than 100 000 names of medicines, with the possibility of selecting the drug:
- by INN (international non-proprietary name)
- according to ICD-10 (international classifier of medicines)
- according to the ATC classification
A comprehensive reference book of medicines, which contains more than 100 thousand names of various medicines. The program will be useful as a simple person, and a doctor, and a medical student. Running the program, you can easily and quickly find the necessary medicine, read the instructions for it, see the availability and cost in pharmacies, save it in your favorites.
In addition, the application uses voice search, favorites, history, customization of appearance. Monthly update of the drug database in accordance with the GRL (state register of medicines).
Modern, comfortable design without unnecessary piling. Optimized for phone and tablet.
Developed with the assistance and supervision of health professionals.
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IMPORTANT: the information displayed by the application is provided for preliminary familiarization with the effect of the drug. Before using any medication, consult your doctor.